Media Council of Malawi Partners with University to Boost Journalism Education


The Media Council of Malawi (MCM) and ShareWorld Open University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance media training and education in the country.

 The partnership, formalized on Aug. 13, 2024, aims to elevate journalism education standards by equipping future media professionals with essential skills, ethics and professionalism.

 MCM Executive Director Moses Kaufa called the collaboration a crucial milestone for media education in Malawi.

 “The MoU represents our shared vision to promote cooperation, knowledge exchange, and joint initiatives in media training,” Kaufa said.

He added that the partnership will lead to “updated curricula, practical journalism education, and opportunities for research and knowledge sharing.”

On here part ShareWorld Open University Vice Chancellor Theodore Muzamba expressed enthusiasm about the agreement’s potential benefits for the university and its students.

“This partnership will offer our students innovative learning opportunities and access to specialized resources that will enhance their professionalism and capabilities,” Muzamba said.

 Patricia Kankhwani, Vice Board Chairperson of MCM, emphasized the collaboration’s potential for improving media education and fostering continuous professional development.

 “This partnership provides a platform for innovative learning and professional growth that will positively impact the media landscape in Malawi,” she said.

The agreement is expected to have a lasting impact on both media education and the broader media landscape in Malawi, contributing to the development of skilled, ethical and professional media practitioners.
