Membership and Accreditation Process

Media Council of Malawi, registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act of the Laws of Malawi, is an independent, non-profit, non-political and self-regulating organization with the mandate to promote professionalism and accountability in the media industry by setting standards in the interest of the media and their public in Malawi.
Benefits to members:
1) Only Paid-Up Members will be eligible to contest and vote for Board of Trustees positions.
2) Access to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and disciplinary measures on matters involving the media and the public. MCM will not intervene on complaints involving non-paid members or institutions.
3) Improved legal and policy environment conducive for media practitioners and citizens to exercise their right to freedom of expression and access to information.
4) Media participation in enforcing their accountability and that of citizens, civil society organizations and strategic regulatory partners as a joint endeavor to achieve a shared responsibility.
5) Protection and freedom of the media in Malawi, from legal threats, undue pressure and interference from any information source or the public.
6) Media practitioners will be trusted and accepted by communities, public officers and development partners who are both information sources and consumers.
7) Accredited local and foreign journalists or media practitioners working with non-media organizations will have access to development project beneficiaries for project documentation. MCM enforces protection of beneficiary data and information sources.
8) MCM will promote and safeguard the interests of its members and those of the public in all matters affecting the profession without prejudice.
Registration and Accreditation of Members
Where to get and submit Applications?
Applications shall be submitted to the Secretariat using an Online Application Form here. You are required to fill the online form.
You are having problems with the online portal please write to or call 0999131483 for assistance.
All registered member institutions shall be provided with a Membership Certificate and receipt for the subscription fees paid in recognition of their affiliation to Media Council of Malawi.
All accredited media practitioners shall receive a receipt for payment made and a secured Press Card which will be valid for 12 months and six months for local and foreign practitioners respectively.
A full list of registered members and accredited practitioners shall be published on this site and made available upon request directly from the MCM Secretariat.
Individual Accreditation to MCM
Accreditation is the process or act of recognizing that a journalist or communication professional meets all formal academic requirements and subscribes to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Media practitioners are accredited so they can identify themselves to security officers, authorities, the public etc as genuine representatives of the media. They are accredited also to be allowed access to cover events and public functions upon presentation of a valid Press Card.
Accreditation of individual journalists and communication professionals shall be in reference to the paid-up member institution that such an individual is affiliated to. This is open to any member working in a private, community or public media institution, human rights activists, people working in media training institutions, communication field, and individuals who subscribe to MCM ideals.
The individual membership fee stands at MK30, 000 for 12 months, with an additional MK10, 000 in case of replacement of the Press Card.
Associate membership
The Council also accords the status of Associate Membership to any professional association or organization whose aims and objectives fall within the communication field, compliment, support or relate to the Council’s objectives. Associate members have no right to vote.
This category caters for media training institutions, human rights organizations, communication agencies and other likeminded bodies with media interventions or that share MCM ideals. The membership fee for this category is MK200, 000.
National Media Houses
Membership fee for National Media Houses is pegged at MK500,000, with MK200, 000 for Regional and Online Media Houses, MK100,000 for Community Media Houses and Press Clubs and Associations.
All these categories are valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance.
Accreditation of Foreign Media Practitioners
This category will cater for foreign journalists and those foreign media practitioners on missions to document stories and/or development activities in Malawi. These practitioners will pay to MCM an accreditation fee of $200 valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance, with extra $20 in case of card replacement.
Payment Mode and Details
Local Payments
- Bank: National Bank of Malawi.
- Account Number: 1006984197.
- Account Name: MCM Accreditation.
- Type: Current
- Currency: Malawi Kwacha
- Branch: Gateway.
- Swift Code: NBMAMWMW
Evidence Required for Accreditation
- A recent electronic photograph
- Letter from employer or affiliated institution
- Valid identification (National ID, Driving License or Passport)
- Academic certificate
- Bank Deposit slip (MK30,000 for an individual)
- Bank: National Bank of Malawi;
- Account Number: 1008603355;
- Account Name: Media Council of Malawi Projects;
- Branch: Gateway;
- Type: Current
- Currency: US Dollar
- Swift Code: NBMAMWMW
- A recent electronic photograph
- Letter from employer or affiliated institution
- Valid identification (National ID, or Passport)
- Bank Wire Transfer slip (US $200 for per individual)
NOTE: Members are also advised to send their bank deposit slips and all required documents directly to MCM Secretariat. MCM will not be held responsible for any lost evidence of payment that is given to a third party.
For more information, please contact:
Media Council of Malawi Secretariat
Area 6 P/286B
P.O. Box 30463
Contact Person: Moses Kaufa
E-mail address: Cc:
Contact Numbers: +265888 877 999/999 558 052