
Make a Complaint

To file a complaint regarding media misconduct, reach out to the alleged media outlet’s station manager or ombudsman. Outline the incident details, including date, time, and any supporting evidence.

If the problem persists, consider using the simplified process provided by the Media Council of Malawi (MCM) Ethics, Complaints, and Disciplinary Committee (ECDC) by filling out the form below.

Submit the form to the MCM secretariat, and they will escalate the matter to the alleged media house for a response. 

Note: Please complete the forms below for the ECDC to address your complaint. Please be aware that the ECDC’s decision is final. If dissatisfied, you have the option to seek remedies through the legal courts.

MCM-Form-A-Waiver Form
MCM-Form-B-Complaint Form
MCM-Form-C Application for Leave to Appeal
